
Brian McMahon

As a lifelong devotee of the game, Brian McMahon is considered to be a real lover of the game (and has a tremendous appreciation for those who play it), is a recent national champion among golf teachers, and just happens to be a really good Golf Caregiver. 

His father once told 10-year old Brian, “You’ve got golf balls in your head!” So at a very young age, Brian decided to make golf his individual game of choice. As his own game progressed, so did his love of helping others finding within themselves the awareness, skills, and experience required to not only excel at the game, but to enjoy it as well. 

Brian has focused much of his career-life in golf administration, with staff positions at both the Chicago District Golf Association (CDGA), the Southern California Golf Association (SCGA) and the John Jacobs Golf Schools. 

Brian has been privileged to develop partnerships with outstanding individuals and organizations within the golf industry, so that he could utilize his expertise in golf psychology, self-management, and golf-learning techniques to help the beginner, intermediate, and highly skilled golfer in enhancing their individual skill-sets along with embracing their personal strengths. And learn to have more fun playing, too.

Now, as a Valley Golf Center teaching staff member, Brian chooses to venture down a path that combines his passion for educating, mentoring, and coaching others with his love for golf. 

Get in Touch

Please Tell Us Why You Play Golf…

Where is your game now?

Where would you like it to be?

Do you practice?

If so, what and how much?

Do you have written goals?

Would you like to book a lesson?